Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Land Settlement & Building Contract

As of this day, the land will be settled and registered no longer to Marriott Waters.  There's been a bit of a bumpy ride with having to dig up a few extra unexpected $'s for the land tax/rate adjustment, but the money is in the account, and waiting patiently for CBA to withdraw (along with the other $160,000 odd !) - then we can say we own the dirt :)

We still haven't been given final site costs, so it's provisional for now - but after having a sneak peek at the land one weekend (wasn't fully opened !), it's pretty bloody flat, although a 30 degree or so rise from the crossover.

It took the best part of 1 hour 45 minutes, and a few to's and fro's before the 38 or so pages were signed twice over.   I've gotten the builder to write down that he won't charge us the 20% builder's margin or variation fee on the site costs as they weren't ready in time for Sept 30 - apparently it's happening with a lot of people.   He then scanned the pages and sent them directly to our girl at the bank and CC'd me in - very efficient.

3 Responses to “Land Settlement & Building Contract”

ah see now, we can all comment!! Good to hear contracts signed, very important event in the moment of it all!!! now just for a start date...

Paul and Jason said...

They're aiming at about the start of November - nothing solid yet - it all depends on Mr. Bank Manager !

start of Nov, good luck with that! keep on their back until you get a start date! that's my 2c worth!

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