Sunday, May 17, 2009

1st Draft Plans Arrived !

Got home yesterday to find an Express Post delivery waiting....found it was from Rawdon Hill and hurriedly opened it - and lo and behold, Draft 1 of the House Plans !

There's a few things to be modified along the way, but as a whole it's pretty much according to how we wanted it (certain modifications here and there were all included).

Now have to get them scanned into the computer and do some photoshop work along the way to point out where certain things would be good to go.

There isn't a huge backyard thanks to the easement, but there's more of a "side" garden - we're not having an alfresco, but more of a patio area.

We've just found out that the garage has to be setback to 5.5m from 4.87, so we're thinking the only way to do it without losing the verandah/door from the garage is to move the whole house back, which would put it near the easement, and then shorten the rumpus and bedroom 3 by the amount to get it back from the easement - if that makes sense.

Otherwise if you move the garage alone, you lose the verandah/door and there's nowhere else on the plan to put an entry door without comprmising other rooms. If the plan was flipped (which we can't do), then it could've been an entry to the laundry.

Some Color Selections So Far...

Also had a productive day with choosing colors way before the official meeting, will make life a lot easier I reckon when we get there. Here's what's looking good to our eyes so far....

Carpet Choice Carpet - Grey (brownish tinge ?), Benchtop Laminate (left), Kitchen Cupboards (Right) - the names escape me !

The kitchen bits with less flash intensity, more accurate :)

Gainsborough Door Handles within house (comfy in the hand !)

Aztex Tapware for the house - this is the base standard, seems fine !

Door handles for the cupboards - trendy too !

The Street Is Forming...

After going to the color selection room at Rawdon Hill, we drove up to Evans Rd where Melada Parade will begin, and they've made some progress on the civil works - now there's some guttering, and some new dirt for the landscaping of the median strip and nature strips. Reassuring.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

We're On The Map Now...

Went to the 2009 Melways the other day - and lo and behold - we have our road in there !
It's still a dotted line, but a vast improvement on 2008's map...getting closer.